Project Description

Static presentation of INEOS Grenadier to the Milanese media at Cascina Cuccagna, an agricultural outpost in the center of the Lombard capital. The event took place on Friday afternoon and allowed the attending journalists to get to know the INEOS Automotive off-road vehicle up close. Followed by an aperitif at “The Grenadier”, an English-style pub (the original sign has been rebuilt for the occasion) to evoke the ghost that resides in the real London pub where this uncompromising 4X4 originated.

Over the weekend, the car remained available to the public and fans: many took the opportunity for a first contact with the rugged off-road vehicle.

Logistic and operational organization, production and preparation of promotional and scenographic materials, graphic creation and management of invitations, mailing, secretariat and recall of guests, hostess service and service staff.

Creation of information material for media use, photo and video service of the event, service for broadcast media use, post-event debrief and press review.