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5 × 1000 to Fonesa, Blood Neoplasies Foundation


Creation and online campaign banner on facebook to promote the money donation of 5 × 1000 to Fonesa, Blood Neoplasies Foundation. Banner advertising "When a drop can become a sea": claim design and advertising graphics, banner insertion management on facebook and online. As Press Office of Fonesa, Anicecommunication has also released a press release to [...]

Fonesa Fondazione Neoplasie Sangue


FO.NE.SA. Fondazione Neoplasie Sangue Onlus with operational headquarter at A.O.U. City of Health and Science of Turin, Molinette Hospital Presidium, has been supported by Anice, an international integrated communication agency, for media relations. The press office takes care of making information and insights accessible to the public on the reality of the Foundation and its [...]